Friday, April 3, 2015


"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven" Ecclesiastes 3:1

Seasons Change. We eagerly await the crisp air of fall after going through three months of temperatures higher then 70. The first snow fall close to the holidays ignites a festiveness in us. Seeing the first flower after all the snow melts away give us hope of new life. Then as the temperatures get warmer we look to the possibility of adventure and ice pops. 

Have you ever thought about the situations going on in your life? 

When it started, and when it came to an end. 

That is a season. You go into this season of your life, however long it may be, one way and you come out better. You come out a new creation every time. But don't get comfortable. Because right around the corner is another season. Another time for you to grow. 

We sometimes cry out to God asking why. More than sometimes. I know that is my personal cry to God every time something in my life is hard. God, why? 

That is okay. 

But our second cry would be beneficial (I am saying beneficial here because this is just what I think you should do but I don't want to tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing, that is ultimately up to you.)  if it sounded something like "God thank you for this time to grow." 

I don't know what you're going through at this very moment. But I do know that the creator of the universe is reaching down to you, and He is carrying you. He wants you to know that you're going to come through this. Changed. For the better, if you let Him. Run into your Daddy's arms. 

Season's change. God's constant.

Praying for you all!


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